


当研究室では、教員2名、大学院生5名(博士2名、修士3名)、卒業研究生12名で研究を行っています。主に消化管腫瘍(高橋)と婦人科腫瘍(松本)を対象に分子生物学的特性の理解や新規治療法開発に向けた基礎データの蓄積を目指し、病理形態学や分子病理学だけでなく、遺伝子・タンパク質網羅的解析法およびバイオインフォマティクス法なども研究に取り入れています。(Instagram: kitasato_ahs_pathology)






  • Inoue A, Matsumoto T, Ito Y, Saegusa M, Takahashi H. TP53 positivity combined with high fibrinogen expression defines a subtype of oral squamous cell carcinoma with an unfavorable prognosis. Hum Pathol 130, 25-35, 2022. 
  • Yokoi A, Minami M, Hashimura M, Oguri Y, Matsumoto T, Hasegawa Y, Nakagawa M, Ishibashi Y, Ito T, Ohhigata K, Harada Y, Fukagawa N, Saegusa M. PTEN overexpression and nuclear β-catenin stabilization promote morular differentiation through induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cell-like properties in endometrial carcinoma. Cell Commun Signal 20, 181, 2022.
  • Takahashi H, Watanabe H, Hashimura M, Matsumoto T, Yokoi A, Nakagawa M, Ishibashi Y, Ito T, Ohhigata K, Saegusa M. A combination of stromal PD-L1 and tumoral nuclear β-catenin expression as an indicator of colorectal carcinoma progression and resistance to chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal carcinoma. J Pathol Clin Res 8, 458-469, 2022.
  • Inukai M, Yokoi A, Ishizuka Y, Hashimura M, Matsumoto T, Oguri Y, Nakagawa M, Ishibashi Y, Ito T, Kumabe T, Saegusa M. A functional role of S100A4/non-muscle myosin IIA axis for pro-tumorigenic vascular functions in glioblastoma. Cell Commun Signal 20, 46, 2022.
  • Nakagawa M, Higuchi S, Hashimura M, Oguri Y, Matsumoto T, Yokoi A, Ishibashi Y, Ito T, Saegusa M. Functional interaction between S100A1 and MDM2 may modulate p53 signaling in normal and malignant endometrial cells. BMC Cancer 22, 184, 2022.

