Health and Safety

Efforts to Prevent Human Rights Violation (Harassment)

 In order to ensure that all students are treated with respect as individuals and can study in a proper and comfortable environment, Kitasato University takes measures to prevent human rights violations.

 The stance of Kitasato University concerning this issue is expressed in the "Declaration to Prevent Human Rights Violations" and "Guidelines for Preventing Human Rights Violations (Harassment)".

 If you suffer from an act that may be regarded as a human rights violation, please consult a human rights violation counselor or the student consultation office.

Declaration to Prevent Human Rights Violations

 The Kitasato Institute ensures the right of all of its students and staff engaging in education, studies, research, medical care, and other activities to be treated with respect as individuals and to demonstrate their individualities and abilities in a proper and comfortable environment without any human rights violations.
 In order to achieve this goal, Kitasato Research Institute declares to take all possible measures to prevent and deal with human rights violations as well as to keep and improve a good environment within the campus.

April 1, 2011 The Kitasato Institute

Supporting Health and Safety

  • Medical Check-up
     At the Graduate School of Infection Control Sciences, all students must undergo an annual periodical medical check-up in April. A certificate of health, which is required for employment and higher school enrollment, will be produced based on the results of the periodical medical check-up.
     The medical check-up required to participate in recombinant DNA experiments and other special experiments is conducted annually in autumn.
     Good physical and mental health is important in order to lead a fulfilling school life. However, you may sometimes feel ill or encounter difficulties that cannot be solved on your own.

  • Health Care Management
    (Health Care Management Center, School Infirmary, and Student Consultation Office)
     Good physical and mental health is important in order to lead a fulfilling school life. However, you may sometimes feel ill or encounter difficulties that cannot be solved on your own.
     The school infirmary and Health Care Management Center can support you with health care management and health counseling, while the student consultation office can support you with your personal problems. Full-time counselors and staff are there to help you.
     Injuries that cannot be treated at the school infirmary can be treated at Kitasato Institute Hospital or Kitasato University Hospital.

  • Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research
     The students of Kitasato University are covered by Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research, which is run by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services. Compensation is paid in accordance with the severity of unexpected physical injuries that may occur during school and research activities, extra-curricular activities, and travel to and from the university.