About us
 Undergraduate program
Graduate school programs

School of Nursing

 Kitasato University School of Nursing has a mission of training nursing professionals who possess a wide variety of knowledge and skills to deal with the needs of society. As a part of the University of Life Sciences, the school works collaboratively with other departments, as medical needs in modern society have become more diverse and complex. The fundamental role of nursing education at the university level is expected to serve such needs. Our academic programs are designed to develop students’ expressive, thinking, innovative, and practical nursing skills and abilities, and to make them  ethically aware. The students will develop their nursing knowledge and practices, which are supported by liberal arts education and science. Our goal is to train nursing specialists who can be leaders in the nursing field through the completion of our 4-year program.
 At the completion of the program, students will be awarded a Bachelor’s degree and they will be qualified to take the national exam for nursing. They can also choose programs to become public health nurses, midwives, and school nurses.

Mission Statement: It states our educational missions  as follows

Innovative education in nursing

Structured curriculum in nursing science

Contributing to the fields of health, welfare and medicine.

Model for life-long learning in nursing

Our goal is to train specialized professionals who possess both scientific and cultural knowledge, and a well-balanced personality. We have innovative nursing education to fulfill the demands and needs of modern society.

Our goal is to organize the structure of our academic programs in nursing science at the university education and research levels. We have designed an appropriate curriculum to meet this goal.

We aim to actively contribute to developing the fields of health, welfare and medicine by collaborating with other related professionals in various medical departments.Life-long learning is modeled throughout the curriculum, enabling nursing professionals to actively inquire and build on the foundations of nursing education and collaborate with professional peers.

Our five educational goals are


To train nursing professionals in wide-ranging academic skills and knowledge along with well rounded interests.

To develop practical nursing skills in order to support people to live a natural and healthy life.

To develop the attitudes and abilities for participating in problem-solving in conjunction with scientific thinking.

To train professionals in becoming the leading nursing specialists who can cooperate with people in different professions/fields.

To train nursing professionals who are capable of adapting themselves to the ongoing progress of medicine and treating patients with a variety of changing needs.

img_logo_fotter 1-15-1 Kitasato, Minamiku, Sagamihara Kanagawa 252-0373, Japan
Phone: +81-42-778-9820      Fax: +81-42-778-9428
©Kitasato University School of Nursing