




1) 河川や湖沼水中の溶存有機物の組成と変動要因の解明 2) 高密度酸素ナノバブルを用いた湖沼の生態系の健全化 3) 湖沼のカビ臭の原因物質である2-メチルイソボルネオール(2-MIB)の発生抑制 4) 高密度ナノバブルを用いた水環境中の難分解性の環境汚染物質の分解 5) 蛍光分光法を用いた土壌の簡易分類法と河川中の懸濁物質の起源の解明に関する研究



1)片柳薫子・木村園子ドロテア・眞家永光・三島慎一郎・佐藤 永 2014 (研究会開催報告) 第6回 モニタリングと広域評価を考える会「炭素窒素動態の広域観測に基づくデータベースの構築とその利用.土壌肥料学会雑誌 85: 印刷中.

2)Watanabe, A., Tsutsuki, K., Inoue, Y., Maie, N., Melling, L., and Jaffé, R., 2014. Composition of dissolved organic nitrogen in rivers associated with wetlands. Science of Total Environment (in press).

3)Maie, N., Sekiguchi , S., Watanabe, A., Tsutsuki, K., Yamashita, Y., Melling L., Cawley, K., Shima, E., Jaffé, R. 2014 Dissolved organic matter dynamics in the oligo/meso-haline zone of wetland-influenced coastal rivers. Journal of Sea Research 91: 58-69.

4)Chen M., Maie, N., Parish, K., Jaffe R., 2013. Spatial and temporal variability of dissolved organic matter quantity and composition in an oilgotrophic subtropical coastal wetland. Biogeochemistry 115:167–183.

5)Cawley, K., Yamashita, Y., Maie, N., Jaffé, R., 2013. Using optical properties to quantify fringe mangrove inputs to the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool in a subtropical estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 37: 399-410.

6)岡田竜洋・眞家永光・長崎勝康・柿野 亘・蛯名秀樹・富桝朗充・角 勇悦・嶋 栄吉 2013小川原湖の底質環境と底生動物群集 農業農村工学会論文集 287: 69-77.

7)Maie, N., Yamashita, Y., Cory, R., Boyer, J., Jaffe, R., 2012. Application of excitation emission matrix fluorescence monitoring in the assessment of spatial and seasonal drivers of dissolved organic matter composition: sources and physical disturbance controls. Applied Geochemistry 27: 917-929.

8)Nishimura, S., Maie, N., Baba, M., Sudo, T., Sugiura, T., Shima, E., 2012. Changes in the quality of chromophoric dissolved organic matter leached from senescent leaf litter during the early decomposition. Journal of Environmental Quality 41: 823-833.

9)Watanabe, A., Moroi, K., Sato, H., Tsutsuki, K., Maie, N., Melling, L., and Jaffe, R., 2012. Contributions of humic substances to the dissolved organic carbon pool in wetlands from different climates. Chemosphere 88: 1265-1268.

10)Jaffé R., Yamashita Y., Maie N., Cooper W.T., Dittmar T., Dodds W.K., Jones J.B., Myoshi T., Ortiz-Zayas J.R., Podgorski D.C., Watanabe A., 2012. Dissolved Organic Matter in Headwater Streams: Compositional Variability across Climatic Regions of North America. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 94: 95–108.

11)Abe, Y., Maie, N., Shima, E., 2011. Influence of Irrigated Paddy Fields on the Fluorescence Properties of Fluvial Dissolved Organic Matter. Journal of Environmental Quality 40: 1266-1272.

12)眞家永光 2011 溶存有機物組成の三次元蛍光マトリックス分析 水土の知 79: 44.

13)Yamashita, Y., Maie, N., Briceño, H., and Jaffé, R., 2010. Optical characterization of dissolved organic matter in tropical rivers of the Guayana Shield, Venezuela, Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeoscience 115: G00F10, doi:10.1029/2009JG000987.

14)Yamashita, Y., Scinto, L.J., Maie, N., Jaffé, R., 2010. Dissolved organic matter characteristics across a subtropical wetland’s landscape: application of optical properties in the assessment of environmental dynamics. Ecosystems 13:1006-1019.

15)松浦悠人・嶋 栄吉・真家永光 2010 稲作期における冷温帯地黒ボク土水田の窒素とリンの流出特性 農業農村工学会論文集 268: 243-250.

16)鈴木公人・嶋栄吉・嶋田浩・田中勝千・眞家永光 2010 多時期の空中写真から作成された数値表層モデルを用いた放牧草地における土壌侵食の地形解析 写真測量とリモートセンシング 49: 219-226.

17)Balcarczyk, K.L., Jones Jr., J.B., Jaffe, R., Maie, N., 2009. Stream dissolved organic matter bioavailability and composition in watersheds underlain with discontinuous permafrost. Biogeochemistry 94: 255–270.

18)眞家永光 2009 (講座)近年の腐植物質分析法の展開 1.三次元蛍光分析 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 80: 419-426.

19)渡辺彰・浅川大地・川東正幸・大手信人・長尾誠也・眞家永光・加藤英孝・竹中眞 2009 (資料)土壌―河川―海生態系における溶存有機炭素(DOC)の動態と機能.土壌肥料学会雑誌 80: 89-94.


