



1. 敗血症性ショックの病態・診断・治療に関する研究 2. 手術侵襲が生体・免疫機構へ及ぼす影響および侵襲軽減のため内視鏡下手術に関する研究 3. 猫の腎臓病に対する腎臓再生の研究 4. 猫の腎臓病に対する新しい治療薬の研究 5. 腎臓病に対する腎臓移植への新たな治療戦略の研究 6. 犬の血糖値に麻酔薬が及ぼす影響 7. ウサギにおける気道挿管の検討 8. 魚類における安全な麻酔法の検討 9. 救急時における効果的な投薬経路の検討


1) Maeda, K., Nomura, H., Hotta, D., Matsui, T., Iwai, S. and Okano, S. Analgesic effect of continuous rate infusion of butorphanol in unilateral total resection of mammary tumor in dogs. Arch. Vet. Sci. Med. 3: 22-30. 2020. 2) Tanaka N., Takizawa T., Tanaka R., Okano S., Funayama S., Iwasaki T. Pilot prescription survey of antineoplastic agents: real‐world data from veterinary teaching hospitals in Japan. Vet. Med. Sci. 5:297-306. 2019. 3) Elbadawy M, Usui T, Mori T, Tsunedomi R, Hazama S, Nabeta R, Uchide T, Fukushima R, Yoshida T, Shibutani M, Tanaka T, Masuda S, Okada R, Ichikawa R, Omatsu T, Mizutani T, Katayama Y, Noguchi S, Iwai S, Nakagawa T, Shinohara Y, Kaneda M, Yamawaki H, Sasaki K.  Establishment of a novel experimental model for muscle-invasive bladder cancer by using dog bladder cancer organoid culture. Cancer Sci. 110(9):2806-2821. 2019. 4) Thanikran, S., Sekine, H., Nishi, K., Maeda, K., Iwai, S. and Okano, S. Influence of difference in duration of blood flow blocking by laparoscopic Pringle maneuver on hemodynamics and postoperative blood test findings in dogs. J. Comp. Clin. Med. 25(1): 20-26. 2018. 5) Maeda, K., Iwasaki, M., Itou, Y., Iwai, S. and Okano, S. 2018. Effect of propofol continuous-rate infusion on intravenous glucose tolerance test in dogs. Vet. Sci. 5(2): 43. 2018. 6) Park Y.T., Nogami M., Okano S. Influence of Trendelenburg position and pneumoperitoneum treatment on gastroesophageal reflux in dogs. Polish J. V. Sci. 20(4):823-825. 2017. 7) Tanaka N., Takizawa T., Funayama S., Tanaka R., Okano S., Iwasaki T. Real world data of a veterinary teaching hospital in Japan: a pilot survey of prescribed medicines. Veterinary Record Open 2017;4:e000218. 2017. 8) Itami T., Aida H., Asakawa M., Fujii Y., Iizuka T., Imai A., Iseri T., Ishizuka T., Kakishima K., Kamata M., Miyabe-Nishiwakii T., Nagahamaj S., Naganobuk K., Nishimura R., Okano S., Sano T., Yamashita K., Yamaya Y., Yanagawa M. Association between preoperative characteristics and risk of anaesthesia-related death in dogs in small-animal referral hospitals in Japan. Vet. Anaesth. Analg. 44(3):461-472. 2017. 9) Tatsuya Usui, Masashi Sakurai, Shimpei Nishikawa, Koji Umata, Yuki Nemoto, Tomoya Haraguchi, Kazuhito Itamoto, Takuya Mizuno, Shunsuke Noguchi, Takashi Mori, Satomi Iwai, Takayuki Nakagawa, Hideyuki Yamawaki, Takashi Ohama and Koichi Sato. Establishment of a dog primary prostate cancer organoid using the urine cancer stem cells. Cancer Sci. 108(12):2383-2392. 2017. 10) 朴 永泰、岡野昇三 犬における腹腔鏡下及び開腹下卵巣子宮摘出術の術後炎症反応に関する比較検討 日本獣医師会雑誌 69:329-332. 2016. 11) Oyamada T., Okano S. The differences in the cytotoxicity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells between healthy young and old dogs. J. Comp. Clin. Med. 23(1): 10-17. 2016. 12) 小山田友大、岡野昇三 プレドニゾロンによる犬末梢血単核球の細胞傷害性に対する抑制効果 日本比較臨床医学会誌 23(2): 18-29. 2016. 13) Sugisawa R, Hiramoto E, Matsuoka S, Iwai S, Takai R, Yamazaki T, Mori N, Okada Y, Takeda N, Yamamura KI, Arai T, Arai S, Miyazaki T. Impact of feline AIM on the susceptibility of cats to renal disease. Sci Rep. 6:35251. 2016. 14) Park Y.T., Okano S. Influence of pneumoperitoneum and postural change on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in dogs. J.Vet.Med.Sci. 77:1223-1226.2015. 15) Iwai S., Okano S., Chikazawa S., Kakizaki T., Sakonju I., Solomon, J.A. Transcatheter arterial embolization for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in a cat. J. Am. Vet. Med. Associ. 247:1299-1302.2015.


V19号館(小動物診療センター) 3階

