




・化学物質による環境・食品汚染と毒性発現機序に関する研究 ・ヒト軟部組織壊死感染症の発症機構と新規治療法の開発に関する研究


<特許> 発がん物質の生成を抑制する家畜飼料の開発 <受賞歴> 日本獣医学会 若手奨励賞 2017 日本獣医学会 若手奨励賞 2015 <国際学会招待講演> FKMS:International Meeting of the Federation of Korean Microbiological Societies 2016 <国際学会ワークショップ選出> AIFII:Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity 2018


1) Chemotactic invasion in deep soft tissue by Vibrio vulnificus is essential for the progression of necrotic lesions.
Yamazaki K, Kashimoto T, Kado T, Akeda Y, Yoshioka K, Kodama T, Ymamoto M, Okamura M, Kakuda T, Ueno S.
Virulence. 2020. Accepted.

2) Structural basis for effector protein recognition by the Dot/Icm Type IVB coupling protein complex.
Kim H, Kubori T, Yamazaki K, Kwak M, Park SY, Nagai H, Vogel JP, Oh BH.
Nat Commun. 2020. 11: 2623.

3) Vibiro vulnificus hemolysin associates with gangliosides.
Kashimoto T, Sugiyama H, Kawamidori K, Yamazaki K, Kado T, Matsuda K, Kodama T, Mukai T, Ueno S. 
BMC Microbiol. 2020. 30;20(1):69

4) Identification of in vivo Essential Genes of Vibrio vulnificus for Establishment of Wound Infection by Signature-Tagged Mutagenesis.
Yamazaki K, Kashimoto T, Morita M, Kado T, Matsuda K, Yamasaki M, Ueno S.
Front Microbiol. 2019. 1;10:123.

5) Accurate prediction of anti-phagocytic activity of Vibrio vulnificus by measurement of bacterial adherence to hydrocarbons. Prediction of Anti-Phagocytic Activity.
Kado T, Kashimoto T, Yamazaki K, Matsuda K, Ueno S.
APMIS. 2019. 127(2):80-86.

6) Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of Vibrio vulnificus flagellin protein FlaB in a wound infection model.
Yamazaki K, Kashimoto T, Hashimoto Y, Kado T, Ueno S.
J Vet Med Sci. 2018. 1:80;(1) 55-58.

7) Both polarity and aromatic ring in the side chain of tryptophan 246 are involved in binding activity of Vibrio vulnificus hemolysin to target cells.
Kashimoto T, Akita T, Kado T, Yamazaki K, Ueno S.
Microb Pathog. 2017. 109:71-77.

8) Importance of fumarate and nitrate reduction regulatory protein for intestinal proliferation of Vibrio vulnificus.
Kado T, Kashimoto T, Yamazaki K, Ueno S.
FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2017. 364(1).

9) A silkworm infection model to investigate Vibrio vulnificus virulence genes.
Yamamoto M, Kashimoto T, Yoshimura Y, Tachibana N, Kuroda S, Miki Y, Kitabayashi S, Tong P, Xiao J, Tanaka K, Hamamoto H, Sekimizu K, Yamamoto K.
Mol Med Rep. 2016. 14(5):4243-4247.

10) Vibrio vulnificus detected in the spleen leads to fatal outcome in a mouse oral infection model.
Kashimoto T, Iwasaki C, Gojo M, Sugiyama H, Yoshioka K, Yamamoto Y, Okamura M, Susa N, Ueno S.
FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2015. 362(7).

11) Signature-tagged mutagenesis of Vibrio vulnificus.
Yamamoto M, Kashimoto T, Tong P, Xiao J, Sugiyama M, Inoue M, Matsunaga R, Hosohara K, Nakata K, Yokota K, Oguma K, Yamamoto K.
J Vet Med Sci. 2015. 77(7):823-8.


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